History of Sexism


Historically speaking in ancient times, women were highly respected over men since they were seen as the the givers of life and produced offspring. As time passed men began to assert their roles as hunters since they were more physically fit to perform the tasks while women scavenged for berries. As the ages passed men’s roles began to become ever more important and the role of women had begun to be looked down upon by men. Women’s roles had continued to be specifically aimed toward taking care of children and making meals while the men continued to do other means of work such as hunting, and communing between one another. Build upon that men’s roles have continued to expand into businesses and into many other important roles while women’s roles did not grown at the same speed still retaining primarily to their roots. In some countries such as Korea women have far less rights than that of men having the male family pay for the women and control over their expenses until they were married or in Muslim countries which women have overwhelmingly less rights than men restricting them from driving and restricting them of the clothes they could wear. Even in weddings when brides walk down the aisle, she’s in a way being treated like an object being brought and exchanged over to the the groom. The sexual inequality remained for the longest time to the point where in the United States, blacks, who were a group so controversial among parts of the United States that we went to war based on their role, obtained their right to vote before women had.